Many people looking to re-wild or include wildflowers in their garden, are drawn by wanting to attract pollinators and support natural ecosystems.
So which ARE the best wildflowers for this purpose.
I thought I'd do a league table based on our experience, trials, and research.
1) Bird's Foot Trefoil - winner by a mile. Attracts 5+ UK butterflies to breed.
2) Common Sorrel - attracts Small Copper butterflies to breed.
3) Common Knapweed - probably the best nectar wildflower.
4) Field Scabious - excellent butterfly plant in late season.
5) Meadowsweet - simply buzzes with insects.
6) White Campion - also attracts Moths at dusk with scent.
7) Musk Mallow - is loved by Bees.
8) All Feb/Mar flowering wildflowers - vital early nectar.
9) Lady's Bedstraw - loved by Butterflies and Bees.
10) Corn Marigold - is loved by solitary/Honey Bees.
All of our wildflowers attract pollinators, but this is our top 10.
We hope this helps...